Thursday, March 23, 2006

Excellent News!

I had my post-op followup appt today and I'm cancer free! My pathology results indicated that my lymph nodes were negative for any cancer cells. The results also indicated that there was DCIS in other areas of my breast so the mastectomy was a good idea. I won't need any further treatment. wahoo!

My risk of developing cancer of any form in my left breast is 1% more per year than the average person. I will continue with yearly screenings as normal.

So here's how the appt went down. Karen, the nurse practioner, removed the plastic bandage over my wound. That was like having about 5 big bandaids torn off - even though she was very gentle. But at least that pain was gone just as fast as it happened. Next came the drain removal which I had obsessed about since breakfast. At least I only started freaking out a few hours beforehand. As it turned out, Phil was cracking a joke as Karen removed the drain and I didn't even notice it was out. All that worrying for nothing. To be honest, I was more concerned about that #@$!%^ drain than the pathology results. I guess there are two types of drain tubing - fenestrated and then the kind I had. Fenestrated tubing hurts to be removed since it has little windows in it. That's my guess anyway.

I had to come home from the appt and take a nap since I was so wound up prior to getting the drain and bandage removed.

The other news was that I need to "break the pain cycle." I had stopped taking any pain meds even though I still had some minor pain. This minor pain was hindering my movement and thus my recovery. Dr I said that it was important to be pain free so that my central nervous system didn't think I always had pain which would slow down my recovery and potentially lead into a chronic pain situation.

So I'm back on narcs interleaved with alleve. It really is nice not to have any pain. Joe has become my chauffeur for the time being since drugs and driving don't mix.

I'm soooo looking forward to a solid night of sleep.

I have a followup appt at the end of April and at that point I can be fitted with a prosthetic.


Blogger Angela said...

Awesome news!! I'm glad you have no more drain worries and can concentrate on a full recovery.

5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so happy for you and the family. It's all behind you now. That was a quick job, just like everything else you tackle.

7:56 PM  

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