Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Amazon Warrior

Yes - I made it. Joe thought I was just like an Amazon Warrior since they would cut off their breast in order to be better archers. I'm not sure if I'll take up archery quite yet.

So here's how the day went. We arrived at the hospital with time to spare for our 9AM check in. My surgery had been moved up to 10:30AM from 11:30AM so right after I checked in at day surgery I had to go to nuclear medicine. When I got there, I didn't have a B&W blue card, so had to go to patient registration. By this time, I was getting antsy about getting the sentinel node done in time for the surgery. I was so flustered that I couldn't figure out the sign in log. The only rude person I met the whole day was the registration lady who said, "Hellllloooo, you put your name HERE."

Once I got my blue card, we rushed back to nuclear medicine to sit for an hour. oh well. I had my solitaire game so I was all set. Phil read some exciting Lincoln biography (yawn). When I got into the nuke room, I got 5 lovely shots that felt like bee stings. The radiology intern, radiologist and I discussed our favorite X-files episodes and the awesome SNL Christopher Walken "I need more cow bell" skit. Then I laid under an imaging machine for about 20minutes while they watched the tracers go to the lymph node. That was cool.

Then it was back to the day surgery waiting room. But since I was 30min late for surgery I got right into pre-op. I name dropped Marie's sister name and everyone was "oh yes we know Karen." Marie's sister (who is a nurse) was on vacation but normally works on that floor.

The IV which I dreaded the most was a total non-issue. I made sure to thank the nurse. Dr. I gave me my "cocktail" and after that I don't remember anything until I was in recovery. He told me I kept up my side of the conversation in the OR though.

I was in recovery for probably 2 hours between the bed and the chair. Dr. I came and sat with us for quite a while to go over the surgery and post-surgery stuff. What a great guy! We never felt like he was in a hurry to be off somewhere else.

I got home right around 5:15PM and I justed started on pain killers. It turns out the drain thing isn't as bad as I had imagined. I have a very active imagination.

And the best news is that since my bandage has plastic over it, I can have a shower right away. yippee!

Thanks to everyone for their prayers and good vibes. I'm truly lucky to have so many wonderful friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must be still on drugs, you forgot to tell us if that radioactive trace to the first lymph node was positive for cancer or not? Based on your good upbeat report I assume it was negative.

6:31 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

Awesome job!! You're a trooper. I'm so glad that everything went well. (Ignore G, he's way too analytical, I'm sure he's happy for you as well!). I remembered learning about those Amazon women in school, you even got the right one removed!

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen and family, glad to hear things went well. Melissa has been keeping us up on your situation, extending the prayer factor. All in the same day you became an aunt too. That's great. We'll keep the prayers coming and check in with you time to time.

Love Laurie, Steve, Ashley, Haley & Logan Grondin

5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend of yours (and mine) mentioned your situation to me and I was glad to say a prayer for you. I even followed your blog looking and hoping for such a positive post as this one here.

It is so good to see that you seem to have the right attitude about the struggles in life. Stay strong and not only helps you, but it really rubs off on everyone else too....(even people who only know you from your BLOG.)

May your recovery be swift.....may you somehow "enjoy" following doctors orders....and may you continue to be role model to all of us who might need the kind of strong and positive determination to face a tough situation placed in our path some day!

Best of luck....and you will still get my prayers.... (can't escape em that fast you know :-)

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're frigging amazing. Damn, there's no way I could have kept my cool as well as you have. You're a survivor, that's for sure. Someone get this girl a buff...

You're in my thoughts...

A friend.

1:14 PM  

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