Thursday, April 06, 2006

Back to Work

I started back at work on Monday April 3rd. I haven't quite made it a full day yet. Maybe tomorrow. The big reason that I need to leave early is pain control. It's getting better each day, but still a pain - hahaha.

I also got the A-OK to do strength training with my legs and abs. I religiously do my stretches to gain back my range of motion. I do see improvements every day.


Blogger Angela said...

You are doing great!! I hope everyone is treating you well at work :)

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

How is everything going for you at work? I know we don't know each other, but I have followed your progress through your Blog entries, and was so happy to see that things were progressing well. (a good progression of outcome given the very difficult situation)

Anyways, I just wanted to wish you the best, and I do hope that everything progresses as you want and hope for. (and specifically that your physical pain and comfort at work is getting better)

I'm sure that as life becomes closer to normal, that you might think that making a Blog entry about that does not seem important...and that makes sense.

I hope the lack of Blog entries is due to that sense of "normal" coming back to your I said above, I wish you well.


11:53 AM  

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